Sunday, June 24, 2007


We all got up a little late today but still made it to church, albeit a few minutes late. After that we ran to the 7-11 so Julie could see the US99 people; she won a CD from them. We came home and I mowed the grass. I was finally able to trim the yard as I purchased a new weed trimmer attachment for my weed trimmer. It now works and the yard looks much better for it.

I'm slowly going through all the junk on my desk and am putting it where it belongs or I'm throwing it out. It's not easy; my desk is a disaster area. Like my uncle would say, pull the front-loader around and fill up the dumpster. Unfortunately most of the stuff here is important so I can't just throw it away.

I made a to-do list of things for us to complete in the family room today and it's quite long. Not sure how long this will take or how much money it'll cost, but the end should justify the means. Speaking of means, DirecTV is coming tomorrow to give us our "free" receiver. I hope it's not as bad as I'm thinking it might be. I forgot to mention that the dealership wants the Edge back. So I'll need to give that back soon and I'll be getting a Taurus - oh yea. I won't really miss the edge; it's not the right car for us - especially with only 16-17 mpg around town. Julie's car gets much better mileage and our new car should get good mileage too. Julie's car - a 2005 Mercury Montego - was getting 34 mpg on the expressway yesterday as long as we didn't go over 60. Once we went over 60 it went down to 28 mpg; even up to 75 mph.

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