Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pre-Fathers Day

It's Fathers Day weekend if you will and I kind of took the day off. I'll have to make up for it tomorrow. It's just so darn hot outside; 94° with 77% humidity. It's rough to be outside in that weather. I did get up and get Julie's oil changed today, but even that I couldn't get right. Here I assumed (think of the definition of assume) I had everything I needed to change her oil and actually I had none. I had to go to Wal-Mart and get the oil filter and go to Pep Boys (Pimp Girls is what I like to call it) and get some oil. So after I wasted all that time the temperature was already up to 86° but at least the car was still in the shade. So I got her oil changed and didn't spill a drop on our newly sealed driveway. Took a test drive and all seems fine; no leaks upon return either.

So after that I just kind of did a small cleaning of the garage; eg: I threw a few things out that I didn't need. I emptied the old oil drain pan out into my recycling jug to take to the oil recycling place, put all the old oil filters on wire mesh to drain the oil out of them so I can throw them away. They have to drain for 24 hours before you can throw them out in the garbage. So tomorrow I can throw all of them away and be rid of more garbage from the garage. Interesting that garbage and garage only differ by one letter... So you can also gather from all of this that I bought a new oil drain pan today and used that with the oil change I did today. I'll empty that one into the recycling jug tomorrow after that oil filter is done draining into the oil drain pan.

The article I was in was printed in the News-Sun today. It was pretty good...not entirely accurate to what I said, but overall a good article. We bought two copies of the paper and my Dad called and said he had heard from someone else that I was in the paper and since he was out of town to buy him a copy. So I went out later and got another copy. I think the other article will be in the Daily Herald tomorrow.

Alright, I just looked at their website and the article is up already. I just skimmed it, but what I read was really good. A very cool article.

Anyway, most of the afternoon I spent in front of my computer doing various things. And then Julie had a Stampin' Up workshop tonight that unfortunately only one person came too. She's starting to lose confidence in herself to do this since no one ever seems to show up to her classes. I hope she'll hang in there for at least another year, she's good at it and really enjoys it and she needs things she enjoys in her life.

I checked the Regal Cinemas website tonight to check when their free movies for the summer start and what do you know - they start this week! So Grace and I will have to go this week. The two movies this week are "March of the Penguins" and "Barnyard." I'll have to put these on the SAHD's group site to see if anyone else is interested.

Alright, I've got to get some sleep, tomorrow is already here.

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