Thursday, June 28, 2007

Libertyville Lincoln Mercury Email Campaign

Please help me send a message to Libertyville Lincoln Mercury. Just copy the text below and paste it into an email to the owner of the dealership Dan Marks. His email address is - feel free to change the text anyway you like just make sure you are still mentioning my name in the email. Please send this to everyone you know so that I can get as many messages to him as I can so that he knows the power of the internet and how it can affect his business.


I have recently been made aware of how a friend of mine, Mr. Steve Serres, was treated at your dealership Libertyville Lincoln Mercury Mr. Marks. I wanted to let you know that I am appalled at how my friend was treated and unless you return the $1,500 to him I plan to never do business with your dealership. Furthermore, I will make sure all of my family members, co-workers and friends are made aware of how you treated Mr. Serres and recommend that they never do business with you either. Please keep track of how many of these emails you receive and multiply it by how many family members, co-workers and friends you think each person might have. When you add all those numbers up, this will be how many customers at a minimum that will never do business with you; these are lost customers and lost revenue. And the more people that know the more your dealerships image will be tarnished. I look forward to hearing from Mr. Serres that his money has been returned.


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve & Julie, I sent my e-mail. Your story sounds something like my brother would do. Did he by any chance influence you? A. Luvy

Twin-Daddy said...

Hey Man, I support you, I will send emails from all of my email account, 5 or so.