Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation Continued

So Tuesday we drove down to Colorado Springs which is about an hour south of Denver. It was an easy drive and before we knew it we were at the exit for the Air Force Academy. Wow! What a beautiful place. You've got the mountains right smack next to you, the city in the distance and a beautiful campus. The Chapel is just incredible. I just wish they could provide some type of transport for the handicapped so that they would be able to enjoy the main chapel. Our Aunt (and us) had to walk from quite a distance away and then didn't want to expend the energy to get up all those steps to see the main chapel. Especially since she then had to walk all the way back to the car again. I understand that we can't drive up to the chapel, that's understandable, but I wish they could have provided some type of shuttle up to the chapel so that it wasn't so much work for her.

Here is the chapel:

Anyway, we spent a couple of hours there and took quite a few pictures. I wish I was allowed to shop in the PX as I really miss that. PX's are really nice. But since I didn't retire from the military, I don't have a military ID and can't shop there. And we didn't get out and walk around the B-52 that was there. I wanted to when we first got there, but since we had already spent so much time there, I just wanted to get going. Plus I remember seeing the B-52's all the time in Oklahoma City at Tinker Air Force Base when I was growing up. So I just stopped and took a few pictures really quick. When we got home my FIL said that I should have gotten out and walked around it just to appreciate how large it was, especially by walking under it.

Picture of the B-52 on display:

After that, we went down to Colorado Springs proper and went to the Garden of the Gods. Wow! That is just beautiful too! We took the tour on the bus and then drove in ourselves to take pictures. I'll just let the pictures do the telling because it is just beautiful.

Photo from the Garden of the Gods:

After that we were ready to come home because it was getting late, but Julie wanted to run over to Pikes Peak really quick just to check out the gift shop. It's only about 4 miles from the Garden of the Gods, so we drove over there. It wasn't so fruitful for Julie unfortunately, but our Aunt snagged a new sweatshirt.

Wednesday we just took it easy as Julie had a class to go to and then in the evening she had a stamping session.

Thursday we went to the Denver Botanic Garden. If you've ever been to the Botanic Garden in Chicago, you might not be so impressed, as I wasn't really. Lucky for us, we're members of the Chicago Botanic Garden so we got in free in Denver, but it wasn't so exciting. Plus it was really hot and the sun just came out when we got there, so that didn't help either.

After that, we went to the Denver Children's Museum. I won't say it wasn't exciting, I just think it is geared towards kids younger than Grace. She did have a great time though, especially in the Blue Man Group exhibit.

Here is Grace on the way in:

And here she is being a "Blue Man":

On Friday we went to Boulder and the Coors Brewery Complex! That was really fun! We took the brewery tour and got our free beer. They give you quite a bit! During the tour you get a little cup of about 4-5 oz. that is fresh - like 8 minutes fresh. Then at the end, you get three full pilsner glasses full of any beer you want and they make a lot of different beers. The really cool thing is that you get free beer every day if you work for them. They have tappers in the lunch room and after your shift every day you get two free beers. I also overheard another guide saying that they get a discount on 6 cases every month (if I recall correctly.) The tour was very informative and of course they have a gift shop where you can buy a lot of stuff. Unfortunately, you can't buy any beer, darn. I bought a t-shirt and some beer glasses called shakers. They hold 12 oz. but they aren't in the shape of pilsners. We have some friends whose last name is Golden and he happens to be a police officer, so I had to take some pictures of the Golden Police cars for them.

Here are Grace and our Aunt outside the brewery:

Here are the Brewing Kettles:

Here is the Malting area:

Here is where the workers imbibe:

Here is the Golden Police car:

On Saturday we went to the Hammonds Candy Factory. I should have never set foot in that place. It was REALLY cool. They make so many different things. I have forgotten everything the guide told us of course, but more than likely you've had their candy. Most stores order their candy from them and it isn't marked Hammonds. I spent an ungodly amount in that gift shop, don't ask.

Here is a photo of how they make candy canes:

After that we went downtown Denver and rode the free trolley through the 16th Street Pedestrian Mall. It wasn't too exciting, but it was hot since the bus wasn't air conditioned - or maybe it wasn't working well. But we got to see a lot without having to walk, that was nice. There were a few stores I was interested in seeing, but we didn't have a lot of time. We had to pick up Julie from her conference that was over at 4:20 pm or so (I think.)

Then on Sunday we headed back for Omaha. The trip back to Omaha seemed longer than the trip from Omaha to Denver. In fact it took 9 hours instead of 8 (yes I'm accounting for the time change.) So we got back pretty late and had dinner late, but it was nice to be back at our Aunt's house. I was hoping to get back in time to run to the mall close to their house. Julie never really did get any souvenirs from the trip. I also wanted to go to Cabela's which is literally only a few blocks from my Aunt's house. Maybe next time...

Monday we headed for home and were originally planning to stop in Bourbonnais to see the Bears at training camp. But we didn't leave early enough to do that, so we just headed home. The drive home took longer than on the way out too, so maybe I just drive slower on the way home, I'm not sure.

That's enough for today. I'll get you caught up on other things tomorrow.

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