Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rainy Day

Today was just a rainy dreary day. It rained off and on all day long. When I woke up this morning I knew I had to see some type of doctor because my foot was killing me. So I called my MD's office and they said the physicians assistant was accepting walk-ins until 10 am. Since it was around 8 am I thought I'd be able to make it, but I showered and Grace and I had breakfast and then it was 9:30 and I knew I'd never make it.

Julie stayed home sick today and she wanted to see the doctor too. So I called them and the doctor was only seeing critical patients today but the physicians assistant was in. So I set up an appointment for Julie and then called my chiropractor and got myself an appointment. So I left then to go and see him and Julie watched Grace. Grace's friend from down the street was coming over later and I wanted to get back soon so that Julie didn't have to watch Grace too much.

So I get to the doctors office and fill out my paperwork and see the doctor. From my previous post you know that he adjusted a bone in my foot and gave me electrical stimulation. And now I'm supposed to be icing it for 20 minutes every hour. I haven't done so well with that. Quite honestly I don't want to get up. But I have been doing things around the house - just not much. So anyway I got home about 10 minutes after Grace's friend was supposed to be over and they were playing already. I think her friend's Mom was a little surprised that Julie was here, especially since I called this morning to get everything set up.

Then Julie went to the doctor about the time I was making lunch for the girls. They both ate really well - made a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Although we used all of our milk at breakfast (except chocolate) and our milk delivery isn't usually until early afternoon. So I got creative and put double the butter and a little water. It tasted alright, just a little buttery and not as cheesy as it normally does. So that was lunch - I had leftover steak that I grilled up for dinner last night. It was still REALLY good!

So Julie called like an hour and a half later and said she just finished up at the doctor's office and was heading to the pharmacy. Just after she got home Grace's friend had to leave. Then Grace and I went to the neighbor's house to feed their cat since they are on vacation. I brought my laptop with me to see if our wireless network would work over there; it did! I don't like to just come over and feed the cat and leave. I like to spend a little time with them so they aren't so lonely. So Grace comes with and plays with toys and the cat a little. I usually just pay attention to the cat, but I was playing around with my laptop this time.

Oh I forgot about the MacGyver moment I had. We have the key to the neighbors house obviously, but we still couldn't get in. Somehow the screen door was locked. Since I only have a key to the front door we couldn't get in. I told Grace to wait there as I was going into our garage to look for something that would help us to get in. I found some electrical wire and some wire strippers. I stripped about 6-8 inches of the stranded wire and then separated about three of them and curved the end and stuck it into the screen and then up a few inches and back out the screen. Then I took the loop I just created and maneuvered it over to the latch and pulled to open the door. Grace was amazed, although I don't know if that's something she should really be seeing.

So then we came back home and I was going to make dinner which was supposed to be pork roast on the grill (it's a grilling week I guess.) But we decided to just have burgers on the grill instead. These are the all-natural burgers we've had before. Man are they good! They are from Oberweis Dairy which is who delivers our milk.

That is pretty much the day because after that I've retired to my recliner with my laptop and an ice-pack. The Cubs game was postponed about an hour and a half tonight because of the rain. I've been watching that off and on (because Julie doesn't really like to watch baseball on TV.) Last night at Target I bought the soundtrack to High School Musical 2 for Grace. She just found it as I had it on my desk earlier and so she's playing that kind of loudly on her little boom-box, I've got the Cubs game on and I'm checking the Disney website for when the new movie will be on and they have video playing all the time when you go to their website. So we've got these three sounds competing and Julie doesn't feel good (and wasn't so happy about all the sound.) So I mute the Cubs game and turn off the sound on the website. That helped, but Grace kept inching the sound up on her music until she had to go to bed.

Just so you know - and if you care - High School Musical 2 is on Friday night on the Disney Channel (DirecTV Channel 290) at 7 pm CT. And Diego has a movie on Nickelodeon (DirecTV Channel 299) at 6 pm. Can you tell I hang out with kids a lot? I swear I end up watching more of her shows than she does sometimes. She'll be watching and all happy and then she goes to do something else and I'll still be interested in seeing what happens so I'll still be there watching long after she's done with it. I guess that's just what being a parent is all about.

The bookcase is done except for the six shelves I still have to paint. I definitely made too many shelves because I have these six left and the bookcase really only needs like one more shelf. But I'd rather have too many shelves than not enough and have to go buy more wood and start cutting everything again. That would be a pain and this is far less pain to paint some extra shelves in case we ever need them in the future.

I was invited to go to Great America (Six Flags) on Friday with some friends and I had fully planned to go, but now with my ankle I don't think walking around that much is a good idea. I'll see how I feel tomorrow though before I make any final decisions. It's also our turn to cook at Julie's parents house Friday night. I need to decide what to make and probably have to go back to the store and buy it. Plus we're having company on Saturday and Julie's having a Stampin' Up class on Saturday morning. We have some cleaning to do too seeing as how our house is in construction mode, not entertaining mode.

So the space shuttle is up at the International Space Station and maybe you've heard that it was damaged during takeoff by some insulating foam from the external fuel tank. They've been analyzing this damage for days and it seems to me are trying to not have to fix it. I'm sorry but if I'm on that shuttle I'm fixing the hole. They've determined that the damage goes all the way through the protective insulation layer and has basically exposed some of the aluminum frame on the bottom of the ship. I don't understand how this couldn't be considered something that HAS to be fixed. I don't get it.

And then there is the mine collapse in Utah where six miners were caught in the mine during a severe shaft collapse. They just broke through with the third bored hole they have drilled in attempts to locate these men today and they found an area where they could have sought refuge and there is a curtain there that would have separated them from bad air. What really surprises me is that they still believe there is a possibility for these guys to be alive. That astounds me that after 10 days their is still a chance they may still be alive. I just don't see how that's possible.

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