Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oops, did I just miss that step?

Hello again, everybody! It was Tuesday today, but it was still HOT! I'm so tired of this humidity! When will it go away?

Grace slept in today until 9 am. That was very welcome. We didn't really do anything today but we were sure busy the two of us. Playing here, playing there, making a mess here, etc. I did officially get the bookcases completed today. The caulking is done and painted. Now it's just those pesky shelves. I just need to put one more coat on one side of the six shelves I'm working on and then I'll only have 6 more shelves to paint and the whole project will be officially done! YEA! This is definitely a project that just hasn't gone away.

My uncle has offered to help me put recessed lighting in our family room downstairs here. So I need to determine how many we want and which ones we want and then buy them. After that he can help me put them in. That is our next step down here. We need to do that, then paint the walls and then put the wallpaper on the ceiling and paint it. After that we can start buying things like drapes and carpet and furniture. I can't wait! I think this room is really going to look great when we're done with it.

Remember that Coors Light mirror I mentioned yesterday? Well I got it today from my SIL's house and here is a picture. It does fit right above my desk between a cabinet and the new bookcase.

I also went to the Hainesville Village Board meeting tonight after dinner. The Mayor started the meeting by mentioning that on this day in 1945 Japan announced that it would accept full surrender and end the war. He believes they signed the documents and made it official the next day.

Anyway, Trustee Stilz III was in attendance tonight as was Russ Kraly the building official. Also Officer Burch from the police department attended. The Mayor in his statement said that SWALCO has a new director; Walter Willis. The Mayor and Trustee Bonds met with Veolia about our waste removal contract. The final contract will probably see higher prices for waste removal, but they're trying to negotiate to keep yardwaste sticker prices the same as they are now. Veolia is asking to have their requirement in the current contract to have to take recyclables to the Waste Management Recycle Center right here in Grayslake removed so that they can take the recyclables to a transfer center and ultimately to other recycle centers in Wisconsin. Personally I'd like to see it stay the way it is because that recycle center is incredible and highly state-of-the-art.

Well house #3 is back online and it was down for a total of 2 weeks. The hole they dug outside was 14 ft. deep and the two holes that were dug inside were 12 ft. deep. The Deer Point Professional Buildings that are to be built by the entrance to our subdivision at the Rte. 120 entrance is moving forward quickly. There will be two professional office buildings built there. The developer has applied for permits already and the Deer Point sign will be changing to include these buildings for signage.

The Mayor wants to ensure we are applying for and receiving as many grants that the city possibly could and so is taking a class at CLC about doing just that. If a Trustee wants to step up and take the class, that would be a great idea, but he does understand that most everyone else works during the day, whereas he's retired and has more time for that.

I didn't hear perfectly, but I believe they are waiting for an article to finish and mail out the village newsletter. As a result they are going to mail out a postcard to all residents reminding us that they still need volunteers for HainesvilleFest and just to remind us when it is, etc.

The village posted their job opening in two different papers and received 81 resume's for it and are working on sorting through them all. Village officials are monitoring the water levels in the wetlands all across the village. Obviously water levels are up, but I don't think they are at a dangerous level. National Night Out was a great success and Officer Mark Burch (present at the meeting) was thanked personally for his work on this event above and beyond what was required of him by his job.

HainesvilleFest is moving along nicely; more donations are still coming in, Round Lake High School's homecoming does not interfere with our event and so Honor students from the school will be available to help out. Next meeting will be Monday, August 20 at 7 pm.

New ordinances were passed regarding connection fees for both water and sewer. Apparently our sewage goes to the Fox Lake Treatment plant; that I didn't know. Also a resolution was passed that mirrors Mayor Daley's Greenest Region Resolution. This will allow the residents of Hainesville to receive free compact fluorescent bulbs. Also the bid for street resurfacing was accepted and should begin in maybe a month which I believe will be mostly East Big Horn Dr.

That about covers the meeting. After that I went to Target and did some shopping. Grace didn't want to go shopping today and quite honestly it isn't fun to shop with her sometimes as you know what happens...she wants to buy everything. And if she doesn't get what she wants, she starts to whine and complain, etc. So as every parent knows, it's easier to shop without her. After that I ran to my SIL's house to pick up my new mirror and the sweater that Grace left at their house on Saturday. She's really into wearing winter-type clothes lately. At one point yesterday she had her clothes on which consisted of a skirt or shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Then on top of that she had a coat, gloves, scarf and a hat. Mind you she was inside, but even outside she wants to wear too much for the current weather conditions. And you know how I feel about the current weather - it's HOT!

I'll have to write more tomorrow. And I do have more to say, but it's late.

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