Monday, July 16, 2007

Keys in Cars

Went to bed late last night because I was installing all the updates Toshiba provided on their website on the laptop. I was rebooting between each update to ensure nothing crazy happened and botched the whole system. I forgot to mention the other day that when I went online to register the laptop on Toshiba's website that under "occupation" they actually had an option for "stay at home parent." I was impressed with that! After doing the updates I remembered that I had left the old tile for the entryway in Julie's car and that I needed to take it out. So I went and did that. It crossed my mind at that point that I might have left the keys to "my" car in her console, but I quickly dismissed it thinking I had already taken them out.

Went to bed and then Julie woke me up to say goodbye and it crossed my mind again when I heard her starting her car. So I jumped out of bed and ran down to look where I keep my keys and they weren't there. So I look outside and she's gone already. I think "I'll just call her cell phone and she'll turn around." Yea well that's all fine and dandy if she has the phone on. It wasn't on. So I'm assuming now that I'll be stuck at home today. I had a doctors appointment this morning just to check my weight loss progress and then I wanted to take "my" car back to the dealer since it has never run very well so they could take a look at it. Then after "A" came over and we had lunch we needed to go and pick up the new tile. So I'm thinking the only thing that really matters in this list is the doctor's appointment. I go back to bed and decided to just call the doctor when I wake up and reschedule.

Well you remember how tired Grace was yesterday. I thought that maybe she'd wake up around 8 or 9 at the latest. Well Julie calls around 9 just to let me know where she put my keys. She had gotten half-way to work and noticed the keys in the console and came all the way back to drop them off for me. How sweet is that? She's the best; super late for work, but the best none-the-less. So we talked for a few minutes and then I got up and got moving. After I was all dressed and ready to go it was actually time to go too and Grace still wasn't up. I had to wake her up at 9:40 and my appointment was at 10. So we were a few minutes late but they were running a few minutes late I think because we still had to wait a few minutes before they called me in.

The appointment itself went very well. I still need to exercise more, but at least he can tell I have been exercising and trying to work on my weight. But for the blood tests Julie and I had for our new life insurance quotes I had some liver functions that were elevated. He was concerned about that and wants to retest in about 6-8 weeks. He said my recent illness (bronchitis I think) is probably to blame. So that was good news overall and I left the office pretty pleased.

Then we ran over to the Ford Store. They looked at me like I was stupid when I told them how the car was running. Especially when they took it back into a bay and started it and it sounded fine. I guess I need to videotape it in the morning when I start it. I can't leave it overnight as I need to drive places. My cousin was shaking his head and said "well at least if it blows up you can say you expressed your concern."

That was a waste of time, but at least I did enter my official "might be a problem here" complaint. Then we came home and had lunch. "A" came over and Grace was really excited to see her. They played for a while and then we ran and got the new tile. My salesman was leaving as we got there, so I just went in and waited for someone to help...and waited...and waited. I wasn't impressed; especially when someone finally did help me they didn't really seem like they wanted to. I tried to ask if they carry the carpet we want just to see how much it would cost and he was like "I don't know if we carry that or not, I guess I could go look." I just said never mind.

But when I got the tile home and put a few pieces down on the floor, it looks great! It was a good idea to get different tile because this tile IMHO looks much nicer than the old tile. We just love it. Can't wait to have it put in!

For some reason my computer was acting up today. It was really sluggish and wouldn't connect to any IM service. It wouldn't open any pictures in my emails and eventually wouldn't respond to anything. Finally later this evening I rebooted for a second time and it appears to be working normally now. But in the meantime since it wasn't really working I was using my new laptop. Well I was about to type in a new address in my browser and all of a sudden the laptop just turned off. I wasn't able to revive it AT ALL. It wouldn't work plugged in, didn't work with the battery, it just didn't work at all. So after dinner I ran over to Circuit City and they exchanged it for a new one. It was the power regulator where you connect the power cord to the back. It for some reason failed. Hopefully it won't happen again. I don't want to make this a regular occurrence. They even switched out the hard-drives so I don't have to do all that work again installing all the updates.

For dinner tonight we grilled some pizzas we got from Market Day. They were really good. I had never considered grilling a pizza before. It really added to the flavor.

Tomorrow a wallpaperer is coming over to give us an estimate for putting up the wallpaper on the ceiling in the family room. Hopefully she does it; the first wallpaperer I called didn't do ceilings. I had called an electrician I know through Grace's gymnastics class about putting in some recessed lighting in the Family Room before we put up the wallpaper and paint it. I'm thinking it will be 100 times easier before the wallpaper goes up to take care of that. He never called me back, so I called a relative and he said to call him after we're back from vacation and we can setup a time. That'll be nice too to have because the lighting down in the family room isn't all that great. Speaking of gymnastics, Grace has class tomorrow and I'm supposed to pick up her dance pictures if I don't forget while she's in her gymnastics class.

So how do you feel when you're ignored in a store like I was today? I find it very demeaning. You can't be in business for just your regular customers and forget everyone else. If I wasn't there to only pickup my order, I would have walked out. I just don't have the patience for that anymore. My time is too important to spend waiting for someone else to acknowledge my existence.

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