Sunday, September 2, 2007


Sorry for falling asleep in the middle of my last blog. I was a bit tired. I've been trying to do too many things lately. I'll pick up where I left off.

I came back and he was almost done. So I at least got to see how he did it. So now the DuRock is down and the mastic or whatever he attached it with has to dry overnight. So tomorrow (Thursday) will be tile laying day. Wa Hoo! Here's how it looked with the DuRock down:

I forgot to mention also that a real estate agent that lives here in Hainesville has a monthly contest you can enter and I won for last month. She and her brother (that are RE Agents) came over and gave us our prize on Wednesday. I'll post a link after she puts the picture up on her site.

On Thursday Grace has school and while she was there I went grocery shopping. So after I picked her up we had to come home to put the groceries in the refrigerator. We were going to go to the park so we got on our bikes and started riding there but we ran into one of her friends on the way and we ended up just staying at their house. She played and I talked to the parents. Then since this was close to the neighbor that is doing the tile work for us I knew when he was home and said we had to go home. She was of course upset that we didn't get to go to the park. She would have had more fun at the park (saying this in front of her friends of course.) But we made it home and our neighbor came just a minute or two later and he got the tile in. It looks great! He's coming tomorrow (Friday) to grout it and then his part of the job will be done. I'll have to put the trim back on and get a new transition/threshold piece to put across where the tile meets the hardwood floors. The new tile is thicker than the old tile so the old transition pieces won't work. Hopefully it won't be hard matching the stain from the hardwood flooring. That should be the only difficult challenge. Here is how the tile looked before grouting it:

Then on Friday Grace had school again. I needed to get money from the credit union so I also met my step-Mom and my sister and niece for lunch. My step-Mom works at the same place as my credit union until they move down to the old Kemper facility in Lake Zurich. After that we came home and brought my niece with us so my sister could have some time to do whatever she wanted and so Grace and her could play. Good thing we came home though because our neighbor got off work early since Monday is a holiday and he wanted to start early. That was obviously not a problem. So he was done grouting the tile work by 3:30 pm. We then dropped my niece back off at my sister's house on the way to Julie's parents for Friday night dinner. Here is how the tile looks grouted:

Saturday we went to the Cubs game all three of us. It was really fun. Julie wasn't feeling very good for a while but once she took her headache medicine she was good. Grace and I always leave after the 7th inning stretch because she just can't focus for much longer than that. So we left and took the red line down to Roosevelt and walked over to Soldier Field and tried to get tickets to the Iowa and Northern Illinois college football game. Unfortunately they only had one ticket available. So we hung out until half time hoping that Grace could at least hear the bands play, but they must not have made the trip because we heard nothing. So we just took the bus back to Union Station and waited for the next train home. But we had a good time - just a LOT of walking. The weather couldn't have been any better; just a perfect day.

The good news for me is that my foot feels pretty darn good. I was carrying Grace on my shoulders for a while because she was really getting tired and I could definitely feel a difference in how my foot felt with her on my shoulders. But today it was just stiff, it didn't really hurt. So I think I'm past the worst part of my foot problems.

Today we went to our nephews baptism; Julie's sister's youngest. After that we went to their house for a picnic. It was a beautiful day (although not as nice as yesterday) and it was actually fairly pleasant being outside. So now we're home and don't really have any plans for tomorrow. If the home improvement stores are open maybe I can work on the trim for the living room.

Julie and I are also going to start a new exercise program tomorrow. We both need to lose a few pounds and exercise is what we need the most. We've really changed our diet over the last 6 months or so I think and honestly your diet is important but exercise is where your body's composition really comes into play. So we're going to start tomorrow. It's called the PACE® program and it's by Dr Al Sears. He wrote the book I read 6 months ago called The Doctor's Heart Cure. And now I'm reading the book he wrote about the PACE® program. They are both really good and I highly recommend everyone read them - not just if you're overweight - everyone! My doctor has been on me to start this program for a few months now and so I really need to listen to him and start. Here is the author's website:

I forgot to mention (I think) that I was accepted to be a Bears Superfan Blogger this year. Here is the address if you'd like to read it: Bears Superfan Blog

Alright, I'd better get to bed. Write more later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really pretty tile. Can you tell me what brand it is and the name of it?