Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Grace slept in today too. I think she's going through a growth spurt or something. She hasn't slept this much in a long time. But she isn't really eating all that much. I think she's getting tired of eating the three things she likes to eat. But that's all she'll eat, so what else can I do.

We had breakfast and went to gymnastics today. While she was doing that I had brought my bike with me and went for a ride. I went a little over 5 miles and averaged about 9 mph. It was hot today. It didn't feel that hot when I was riding but when I was done I realized how much I had been sweating. Then we went over to Highland St which is where my Grampa built his first house. It was a small street, but I have no idea which one he built. Several of the houses were for sale. I had ridden my bike past my great-grandma's house when I was riding and on the way to see Highland St I stopped to let Grace have a glance at it through the car window. She seemed to understand whose it was.

Then we got some lunch and went over to my Dad's house to put his files from his old computer onto his new computer. We stayed for dinner and then came home. Not a very exciting day, but that's alright. Julie went to the Cub's game tonight, and just her luck they lost. My Dad, Grace and I are going on Sunday when they play Atlanta. Alright, I'm tired, so I've got to go.

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