Thursday, May 24, 2007

Busy Day

Well today was a busy day. Grace went to Dance class with her friend and then another friend took her home for a play date. So I had most of the day to myself. I got the grass mowed and pulled some weeds. I got tired of pulling them and resorted to spraying them especially since it seems to work better anyway. Looks like I picked a good day to mow as it's now raining.

eBay was having a special today on their listing fees, so I added an extra American Eagle Silver Dollar that I had. Then I was working on my Windows Server 2003 installation again. It seems to be all installed, I'm just not sure how it works and I'm not sure how the licensing works either. Hopefully my brother-in-law can shed some light on that on Sunday. I didn't work on at all today. And I didn't ride my bike either.

Still have a lot to do to be ready for the picnic on Sunday although I did work on the menu today. I still need to finish that, clean the house and till the garden. I need to get my plants ordered too for the garden. Probably should get that taken care of this weekend so I'm not planting too late again like I did last year. Then I didn't get much if any crop from some of the plants. Plus somehow I need to get to the grocery store to buy the food. That'll have to wait for Saturday I suppose, even though nobody likes to go grocery shopping on the weekend.

I'm afraid I've done a terrible thing. Yesterday was Grace's last day of preschool and when I went to pick her up (after I had gone to the library) I was a little early. So I was reading a book while I waited for her class to be over. Then I went in to get her and they had a whole stack of papers to send home with her. There was a scrapbook they had made with different little hand-made projects Grace had done throughout the year, some with hand prints and stuff like that. Plus there was her certificate and a progress report and a couple of other things she had done. Well there is a park right next to her school and Grace wanted to go down the slide so I agreed and while I was waiting, I put her papers on the bench by the slide. Then when I finally pried Grace away from the slide to go to the car, I think I left them there. I went back in the evening and there was nothing there and no papers were anywhere in the park either.

So today I called the school and they said nobody turned it in. Now I guess my only chance at reprieve is that someone picked it up with the intention of returning it later. There is a small chance that I left them in my neighbors car that I borrowed yesterday, but I was pretty thorough about taking everything out of his car when I was done with it. Maybe I could call all the parents on our class phone list tomorrow and ask. I need to ease my mind. If I just would have brought her backpack like we always do this wouldn't have happened. I didn't bring it because I thought it's the last day, probably don't need it. Stupid mistake. I just really hope we find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, You are a busy person, but everyone that has little kids feels like they need to get out amd see BIG people sometimes. Hey, did you watch Friday nite Bingo. I printed out cards, and played, but did not win. A. Pat