Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If this is true...

...then it should make the election a slam dunk for Senator John McCain.

Here is the article from the New York Post: Sen. Barack Obama...Wants a Delay In Negotiations For Removal

What the article basically states (if you don't want to read it) is that Senator Barack Obama's trip to Iraq in July was a secret meeting in which he demanded (not requested) that they break off negotiations with the Bush administration about troop withdrawal until after the election was over. Seems he doesn't want the Bush administration to look good in any way and wants the situation in Iraq to look as bad as possible so that his platform still has legs to stand on. The Iraqi's are worried that if Obama is elected president that he will purposefully try to ruin their country to try and prove that the "Bush Doctrine" of preemptively striking other countries before they strike at us is a bad idea.

This is definitely not "new" politics; sounds more like the same old type of politics that no one appreciates and this country does not need. Speaking of politics, don't expect to hear of this at all from the mainstream media since they're so much in the bag for Obama, they will do everything they can to hide this story.

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