Monday, March 10, 2008

Berkeley CA Special Edition

I'm not sure if you've heard about this since the regular media isn't covering this but as a former Marine I'm just appalled. The Marines put a recruiting office in Berkeley CA in January of 2007. Sound crazy? or sound pretty normal? Sounds pretty normal to me especially since I served in the Marine Corps and I appreciate what it means to have the armed services that we have protecting our country and keeping us free. I don't care how you feel about the current situation regarding our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, or how you feel about the current President of the United States, you have to be proud to live in a country that is free and to have our military protecting us.

The City of Berkeley CA however apparently wants a communist government and no military to protect them from foreign or even domestic threats. They have asked, no told, the Marines to leave their city -- that they aren't welcome there. I suppose if some type of emergency happened they wouldn't be welcome to help out either right? I find this appalling and completely unacceptable. First of all what happened to freedom and equal opportunity? And that's beyond the fact that this is a government agency charged with protecting our very freedoms they are abusing.

Personally I feel like these people are hurting our country and are fighting a losing battle as Marines NEVER give up. Trust me I know because I am one. If they studied the history of the Marine Corps or any branch of the military for that matter, they would understand in a very short time how many soldiers have fought until their death in order to ensure our freedom.

And now two city council members are encouraging everyone to come out to the recruiting station to "help" protest. These are the city council members that said during a council meeting that the Marines weren't asked to come to Berkeley and it would be nice for them to just leave. What is this country coming to? I would love to see these people protest in the face of an entire platoon of Marines in full battle gear, loaded weapons including mortars and vehicles including tanks. How do movements like this start anyway? How do citizens of this country start thinking that the very soldiers charged with protecting us are the very problem this country faces. I just don't understand.

There is a group taking on this threat to our countries armed forces that is called If you feel the way I do please check out this site and help out however you feel is appropriate.

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