Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hainesville Police Dept

My observations of the Village of Hainesville Special Board Meeting today, December 1, 2007 at 11:00 a.m.

Here is the agenda:
A. Call to order by presiding officer
B. Pledge of Allegiance to flag
C. Roll Call
D. Establishment of quorum
E. Approval of Agenda
F. Discussion of Police Services
G. Advertising for consultants and/or staffing
H. Consideration and possible action on the conflict waiver
I. Letter agreement between Village of Round Lake Park and Village of Hainesville
J. Adjournment

This meeting was announced only 48 hours before the meeting occurred.

The Village Attorney of the month at this meeting was Paul Keller. Trustees Stilz III and Bonds were absent at the beginning of the meeting. Trustee Stilz III was just a few minutes late.

The Mayor began the meeting by stating that the purpose of this meeting is to explain that the relationship between Round Lake Park (RLP) and Hainesville for police services has been officially terminated as of November 13. The final day they will provide police service for our town is February 10, 2008. He also stated "there will be no public comment allowed during this meeting; only after the meeting has are free to voice your opinion but not at this meeting."

This spurned a great deal of disdain among the residents whom were in attendance. Most people in attendance started yelling that the Mayor and the trustees had already made the decision concerning the items on the agenda -– more specifically agenda item number "F" about Police Services. The general theme was that this meeting was called merely to inform us what decision had been made and the public will have no say in it. Some details of the decision being yelled out were that the initial startup costs for the village having their own police force would be around $2 million with annual costs going forward of $1.5 million per year. The other general theme being shouted out was why the public was even invited considering we had no input.

On a personal note, I didn’t know why we were there considering we had no chance for interaction or input concerning the agenda items. I would have preferred to stay home and have the board meet in private and just provide minutes from the meeting for us to review later. I could have been home putting up my Christmas lights before the snow started to fall instead of wasting my time listening to the officials I elected tell me how they plan to spend the money I haven’t earned yet on a situation while granted, it is imminent, it isn’t occurring today.

Because the Mayor had such uproar in the Council Chamber and since he wasn’t intending to allow any public comment, he first asked the trustees if they wanted to allow public comment. This blew up however and actually made the situation worse. The Mayor thus forth called the very police department we’re running out of town to "restore order" to the meeting so he could carry on with the meeting as he had intended.

After the police arrived and after some more yelling occurred and some people were escorted out of the council chamber as well as many people just getting up and walking out, the meeting went forward as scheduled. There was a point where if any resident said anything they were escorted out of the council chambers.

Again on a personal note, I thought all of us should have walked out but I really wanted to hear what they had to say since I’m not privy to all the behind the scenes discussions (read: executive sessions.) All I know about what’s happening in my town is what is listed on the agenda. All I knew about today’s meeting was the actual words on the agenda (discussion of police services.) I had no idea prior to the meeting finally getting under way that the meeting was about how we will no longer have a police force on February 10 and that the Mayor wants permission to start interviewing candidates for police chief of Hainesville for the resume’s he already has because they’ve already started advertising for the position. And I had no idea that the village was already planning to acquire police vehicles from Round Lake Beach (RLB) to be used for our future police department.

Moving on, the meeting began quietly since most residents in attendance had left. The Mayor began by stating that there is a difference of opinion between RLP and Hainesville regarding police service and the problem has no resolution. We hope to have our own police department and the RLB Police Chief Larson is providing significant consultation and help for us to undergo this endeavor. We possibly plan to acquire two police vehicles from RLB – possibly for free. These vehicles were going to be sent to auction. Our current EMA vehicle has been stripped of its decals and is ready to be repainted and used as a community service vehicle. We plan to hire a police chief which will be coordinated through Chief Larson. The Mayor will select the chief of police and the trustees will approve the selection. He is here today asking the board for approval to interview and hire a chief of police. This motion was approved by the board.

Georgeann Duberstein interrupted asking if this was a legal village board meeting considering the facts surrounding how the meeting was announced and the fact that the public has been given no chance to express their opinion. Kathy Metzler the village clerk says she announced the meeting in the same manner she always does and that it was announced 48 hours ahead of time which is the requirement. The lawyer concurred also stating that the public doesn’t have to be allowed time to comment.

The Mayor opened up this subject for discussion among the trustees. Trustee Walkington asks if we begin interviewing candidates for chief of police is the village obligated to then go ahead and have our own police department. The lawyer responded that by approving this motion today we are creating a new chapter in the village code creating a police chief position and the entire hierarchy involved with a police department as well as establishing procedures for selection and establishment of other officers for the police force. After hiring a chief of police the village will then be bound to the terms agreed to in the contract used in the hiring process as he/she is appointed through the employment agreement unless the board votes to remove the police chief from their position. So basically the village would not be bound to have their own department but he hasn’t heard of a case where a village interviews and hires a chief and then doesn’t follow through with creating a police department of their own.

Gary responded that he was under the belief that this was only intended as a temporary measure at most and that we were still exploring other options. Trustee Stilz III asked whose decision it would be to not go forward in creating our own police force. Mayor replied that it would be all of the trustee’s decision. Wally asked what happened to asking neighboring villages how much they would charge to provide police service to our village. Mayor replied that RLB is assisting us now in setting up a new police force but that they don’t have the staff to support us. Other villages don’t want to take over but would assist like RLP is now. Wally said he thought in executive session that the decision was made to investigate the village’s options not to move forward with creating a police force. Mayor replied that he thought everyone was in agreement to severe agreement with RLP and create a new police force. He then addressed the entire board in asking "what do we want to do?"

Wally states that the next meeting is Tuesday, December 11 and we should put this on the agenda and let the public speak their opinion. Trustee Tiffany states that he would hate to make any decision in haste and doesn’t want to burn any bridges. Trustee Gottsacker says we should do this in the interim and look at options. We need a backup plan when the safety of the public is at question. Mayor says Chief Larson will assist the interim chief after being hired in getting up to speed. Wally says he still wants to see other options. He isn’t turning anything down, but that he’s not convinced this is our best option since he hasn’t seen any other options presented.

Trustee Barrett says he talked with Grayslake Police Department and they don’t have the man power. He talked to Round Lake and they are losing 4 officers to attrition by February and wouldn’t have the staffing either. Lake County Sheriffs department he said isn’t cost effective. The only thing that really makes sense is to create our own police force.

At this point a Lake County Sheriffs Department worker stood up and said that she works for the department and that no one has contacted them in regards to this at all. She said that the Illinois State Statute requires the Sheriffs department to provide service if needed. She was quite upset with everything (false) being said about Sheriffs department slow response time and also that if an arrest was made that it would take the officer on duty out of the area as they would have to take the perpetrator to Waukegan where the Lake County Jail is located. She was summarily escorted out of the chamber.

Mayor says that in 2006 there were 3,002 calls to the police department (not sure if I wrote that number down right, but that’s what I thought I heard.) Wally is complaining that he doesn’t have enough information to make a decision. Georgeann begins to distribute information I believe regarding Lake County Sheriffs Department. The Mayor says that she’s not allowed to do this. She replies that she isn’t speaking as she’s been requested not to do. He orders her to be removed from the chamber as well.

Wally says he has said all he can say -– that you (the Mayor) should just do what you want to do. He then leaves the meeting after discussion of this agenda item was complete.

Since this agenda item has already been approved, they moved on to the next agenda item (I think) which was in regards to acquiring older police vehicles from RLB. These would be considered interim police cars. They were originally intended to be put up for auction. We should be able to acquire them for a low fee at most. Trustee Barrett says that at auction recently 2004 Crown Victoria was going for approximately $4,700 plus taxes, fees, etc. making it over $5,000 for the vehicle. Trustee Gottsacker says that he doesn’t believe legally they can sell it to us for more than $1 considering it’s from one local government to another and that taxpayer dollars have already paid for the vehicles once.

Mayor is looking for motion to proceed with acquiring these two vehicles. Motion is approved pending RLB’s meeting on Monday, December 3 where they will determine if they will sell the vehicles to us for sure and how much they are intending to charge us. And also pending any other decisions regarding starting our own police force (ie: if we decide to not pursue our own department that we also don’t need to pursue purchasing these vehicles.)

Next agenda item is the fact that our attorneys represent our village and also the Village of Round Lake Beach whom we are now entering into association with in regards to helping us with our police department. This agreement between RLB and Hainesville states that both municipalities are aware of this and that in the event that a conflict of interest exists they will notify both villages and they can seek council from another firm. Motion is approved pending RLB approving as well.

Last agenda item is in regards to the fact that RLP and Hainesville don’t agree with the amount due RLP for police services. This billing dispute is under litigation and RLP’s attorney advised the Mayor of RLP to not accept/cash the check as this would signify their agreement with us paying only this portion of the bill. The agreement now before the board is stating that the amount due is still in dispute pending litigation but they will take the money being offered (so they have the income.) Motion is passed.

Now the Mayor opens up the meeting for public comment. He allows Georgeann to address the board (and return to the chamber as she had been escorted out.) She is the only one to address the board and says when she was running for trustee at the last election she personally investigated using the Lake County Sheriffs Department by going there and talking to someone there about it for an hour. Their fee was higher than that which RLP was charging monthly but that overall costs would be considerably less than starting our own department. Please don’t just jump into this without considering all the options available to the village. After this the meeting was adjourned.

There was originally one reporter present at the meeting from the Round Lake Journal. He will hopefully publish a detailed report this week. During the meeting another reporter showed up with a camera and took several pictures. She didn’t stay too long, but she did take several pictures. I only wish I had my video camera. I really think all the residents should see our board meetings in person. You can’t begin to understand what really goes on unless you’re there. They can be very intense as this one obviously was considering the police were called. I’m still not convinced it’s legal to force someone to leave a public meeting involving village business, but the lawyer was advising the Mayor to do as such and the police were carrying out those instructions without question.

My questions would be what the villages intentions are in regards to a police department building considering the old Hainesville Police building was in the old village hall building as far as I know. And I don't believe that building can be used because of asbestos. And what jail would our new police department use considering we don't have a jail either.

Douglas Raul Williams who also ran for trustee at the last election was handing out fliers for his run for Lake County Board. He asked me to include the following information:
Democratic Candidate for Lake County Board of 16th District

> Tax relief for homeowners by proposing a cap on property assessments
> Improve senior citizen property tax exemptions
> Restore funding to Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group (MEG) for gang/drug units
> Improve Lake County Court case management system to relieve overcrowding in the County Jail


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable...Politics prevails again while all the taxpayers have to sit back and take it. I would also like to know why Doug Larson from RLB is so interested in helping. From what I understand he is not very well liked in his own community by his staff or village government. It will be interesting which one of his buddies becomes chief in Hainesville !!! Again, POLITICS prevails again while us citizens get forced to pay for it....

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog tonight. I think it is great. Where have you been hiding? Your blog is a bit wordy but very interesting. Good job! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I would like to update your blog that as of yesterday January 8, 2008, after all the heated arguments and rejection from the public in the Village Hall meeting, the officials in the exception of Trustee Wallace Stilz III did voted to create the Hainsville Police Department.


Clearly, the mayor and his cronies had their mind made up since day one. SHAME ON THEM.