Wednesday, April 17, 2013

iPhone part 2

So I have switched from the android cell phones I always had to the iPhone this week. It is quite the change. I am still getting used to things after a few days. This phone is very fast. I don't have to wait for it to do hardly anything except sending photos. Everything else has been almost instantaneous. I am also liking it more each day. I left off talking about the differences in the android and iOS versions of Instagram. Now I'd like to cover what I've noticed so far with Google apps. Surprisingly, google apps are better on the iPhone. Call me crazy, but they are better. Starting with Gmail, it's easier to look at multiple email accounts, the interface just seems nicer, and I just like it more. Maybe I can't pinpoint why that is. My only complaint is that when you resize your emails, the text doesn't repaginate at all. If the text is too large for you to see it on the screen, you have to scroll back and forth to see it. In android it would usually repaginate. Emails with only text can't be enlarged at all as far as I can tell. Chrome for iOS is amazing. The integration that Google is famous for is out front and in your face. Which is great. When I start typing a web address, any searches or webpages I've loaded from other machines comes up as hints I can click on to go to. My desktop bookmarks are available and I can even see and open the tabs I have open on other machines. That is cool! Google Maps seems to have the same functionality, it just seems to flow better. Things are in different places than they are on android and on your desktop, but it's easy to find. Now keep in mind that these comparisons are my experience and they are also with the Gingerbread version of android as my phone never upgraded from that to Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean. Some of these comparisons may be wrong with those two operating system upgrades. This however, was one of the reasons I decided to switch from my android phone to the iPhone. I didn't like the fact the no phone in the android world is a true "android" phone. It's an android phone wrapped in Motorola "stuff" and Verizon "stuff." So when a new version of android is released, Motorola has to modify it and then Verizon has to modify it and all the testing these two modifications imply. That makes it a long time between a new OS release and any kind of implementation. With Apple, that is not the case. That was a plus for me in the pro/con analysis of switching. And this is why the phone I used to have never upgraded, Motorola decided not to create a Ice Cream Sandwich release for my phone. And Verizon isn't going to do it on their own. This brings to mind something I've noticed that is just different in general. I have to use a different portion of my fingertip to "click" things on my screen than I did with my android phone. I used a spot closer to the bottom of my finger on my old phone, whereas with the iPhone I've noticed that the most effective spot is closer to the tip of my finger. With any other email address you may have, you can add it to Apple's mail program. This is put into one icon at the bottom of the screen and you have the option of having everything show up in one big inbox. This is very convenient, but also for me a bit confusing. I would like to see some way of visually separating each email address within the "all inboxes" feature so I know immediately with account it is associated with. I think a background color would be the easiest for me. I did an internet search and I did find an "app" that does this, but it is only for an iPhone that has been jailbroken. I haven't done that, and I'm not sure I want to. Certainly someone has or will develop an app for this, right? Or Apple could just add this as a setting...hint hint. The music app is really just like your iPod if you have one. Except better I think. It's easier to traverse the menus and find what you want to play. And syncing is super's just like syncing your iPod. Will I use my iPod anymore??? I'm not sure. On one hand, why carry two devices when my iPhone performs the same function as the iPod? When I'm mowing the grass, I listen to my iPod, and don't carry my phone with me because I don't want it to get dusty or damaged. The case I'm using for my iPhone (the Lifeproof case) is waterproof, so I won't have to worry about dust getting into my phone. I may not need to leave my phone in the house when I mow the grass anymore. We'll see when the weather gets warmer. Speaking of phones, I haven't even mentioned the sound quality of using the iPhone as a phone yet. I would say that so far I really like it. People's voices seem a little lower than what I'm used to, but call quality is excellent. Using an android phone before this, I had all my contact information in Gmail. This is great because then you have it on your phone or your desktop, or even on someone else's computer. When I purchased my iPhone, the Verizon dude couldn't get my contact information from Gmail into my iPhone. I think I found out why. I think Google changed the procedures for doing this. But I don't really know why it didn't work, that is just a guess. What I do know is that it's easy to do and the instructions are here. Twitter is just a little different. Instead of long-clicking on a tweet to favorite or retweet it, you can slide it to one side and then the pop-up menu that appears in android slides into view. Subtle, I know, but different. Dropbox seems to have some more functionality to it. It has tabs at the bottom for your folders, your pictures, your favorites and settings. This isn't on the android version I was using. I just had folders. Gasbuddy seems to have left out my favorites. I had some favorite gas stations that I use and on android you can access these directly from the start screen. In the iOS version, this is replaced with a share button on the start screen. The Starbucks app is completely different. Completely. In the android app, it just has information about your cards and it lets you use them. They are full screen when you are using them. You can check your rewards and see details about rewards, and that's about it. The iOS Starbucks app is amazing! You get messages about the download of the week...which you can download straight to your phone. You can save your favorites to the favorites section including stores, drinks, etc. You can look up detailed information on coffee, food, and drinks. The card tab is about the same except it's not full screen when you use it. It's pretty small actually. you can check your rewards, buy gifts and look for stores. It's much different and much better. Like I said above, this could just be an issue of not having the latest version of android. I just really don't know. That's about all I can point out at the moment. So far I'm very happy with my decision. I have a couple friends that will be very unhappy with me, but that's OK. One of them even works for Motorola.....oops.

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