Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kindergarten is tomorrow!

Yesterday we didn't do much really. Grace had a play-date with her friends down the street and I was trying to get caught up around the house a bit. In the morning we went to my favorite store; all together now...Lowes, and got some weed killer and some electrical stuff. After that we went to the Oberweis store for some milk.

After that we had lunch with two of Julie's sisters; our last lunch before Grace starts school :-( and Grace had her play-date. While she was playing with her friends I sprayed all the weeds in the cracks between the bricks and so those pesky weeds will be dead...SOON! Yea!

After picking Grace up we went up to register her for gymnastics for this year. When we got back we had dinner and that's pretty much our day. Today was a little different although we weren't particularly busy today either. Grace's kindergarten open house was this morning. She got to go and finally meet her teacher Mrs. Fitzharris. She had a little "treasure hunt" we had to complete together which was basically finding her locker and finding the office and then finding her classroom again. And finding the bathroom and putting her supplies in the bins and checking her birthday and address and just simple things that will make tomorrow easier for her. I think she enjoyed it and I think it helped her too.

After that we came home and I started cleaning the house as we have a visitor her for the night; Julie's Aunt from Omaha is here for the night tonight and then she'll be back again next week. We had still not put everything away from having removed it from the office and the family room when we were painting everything. Unfortunately when we got everything out we liked how open the rooms felt and honestly didn't want to put it back in those rooms.

So anyway I got a lot of those things put away and cleaned the house up. Then this evening was dance class. Grace is in a new dance class this year and she's pretty excited. She was supposed to move up to this class last year but it conflicted with her gymnastics class. Since she's moving up in her gymnastics to the next level this year (to the pre-team level) it allows her to also move up to a new level in dance. As a side note she's also signed up for soccer this fall too. She did it last fall and loved it and has been wanting to do it again ever since, but we didn't get her signed up for the spring and thought we'd sign her up during the summer. Yeah, they don't have soccer in the summer for little league. So here we are signing up again this fall. Oops!

So she had her first dance class tonight and I think she did pretty good. I think she'll do better next week because she knows more of what to expect now and it is different. It's much more intense and pretty advanced but I think she held her own this week. We'll see how she does next week. Next week she also starts her new gymnastics class but she's been practicing with the competitive team all summer so that should be pretty easy I think. Plus she'll be back to a two hour class instead of three.

Now the real challenge will be fitting all of this in with school. Granted her school is really only about 2 and a half hours long each day, but she does have it every day now instead of only three days a week for preschool. And I think she will have some actual homework now as well and then there's the whole scheduling thing that we need to adjust to. Her school will be during her normal lunchtime and I'm guessing the easiest way to deal with that is to eat breakfast earlier and then have lunch just before getting on the bus. I had talked to her friends parents who went to afternoon kindergarten last year and that's what they did. But it's a big change especially considering Grace has never been an early riser and eating breakfast much earlier than we have been will basically mean she's going to need to get up earlier. So I foresee that being our biggest challenge as we enter this new year.

Oh so getting back to today, we came home from dance class and Julie was just leaving to go to a Arbonne party at my Dad's house and that really upset Grace since she wasn't going to get to see her Mom tonight. But right after we got home her Aunt Pat got here and then we had dinner and then we talked to Aunt Pat for a bit before getting ready for bed. Just as we were finishing up our prayers Julie came home and Grace was pretty excited about that. She still had a little difficulty going to sleep tonight, but not nearly as bad as last night. I think it might have taken her over a half an hour to fall asleep last night.

Oh speaking of Grace being anxious I actually caught her being shy today. We were at the kindergarten open house and this other girl walks up and asks if she can do the same activity that Grace was doing and she didn't say a word. I was shocked! Honestly she's usually the one that will go and ask someone else to do things and play with her and when they say no or something she'll come and tell me and I say just find someone else. So it was very interesting. Maybe all those no's from the past are catching up to her.

So now the day is finally arriving. I hope she does really good tomorrow and has a fun day. I think she will. We'll see.

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