Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We were surprisingly running a little late for dance class this morning and stopped at the McDonald's on the way for some breakfast. The drive-thru lane was anemically slow and then after we finally get our food I pull away to the Wal-Mart parking lot and stop to put jelly on Grace's biscuit. But there is no jelly in the bag. So we turned around and went back, ran inside to get our jelly and then came back to the car and I got the jelly on the biscuit so Grace could eat. Then we pulled out of the parking lot and got stopped by a freight train. So apparently we were supposed to be late to dance class because everything was working against us this morning.

We finally did make it and it's quite the coincidence that I decided to bring the camera today because they got their costumes for recital today. So they tried them on and did their two dances in them to try them out and see how they worked. They looked SO cute. Here's the picture:

After dance class one of Julie's sister's called and we had lunch with her and some of her kids since they didn't have school today (testing.) Grace was really excited about that. But since she had really just eaten breakfast she didn't hardly eat anything. Then Julie called and said she was taking a half day, so not long after we got home she did too. Grace was REALLY excited to see her Mom come home so early. So when she got home and had lunch and Grace had a snack, the two of them went for a bike ride and not long after that it was time to go to gymnastics.

At gymnastics I was starting to read my next book about Mark Felt who was Deep Throat but this one is penned by him mostly. This is all a result from having read Bob Woodward's book about Deep Throat so now I'm interested in Watergate and such. I wasn't so thrilled by what I've read so far from the LONG introduction where the author of the introduction says that basically he didn't trust Bob Woodward and that he wasn't a very good person. If you read his book about Mark Felt, I think you might feel differently as I do, but I guess to each his own.

After that we stopped at a new (to us) restaurant near Grace's gymnastics for dinner but it wasn't all that. We probably won't be going back. But by bribing Grace with ice cream we were at least able to get her to finish her grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. Then we ran and got her some ice cream at Dairy Queen because that's what she wanted and she sat right down and ate the whole ice cream cone without hardly saying a single word for like 20-30 minutes. It was kind of peaceful.

Then we came home and I forgot to stop at the library for a CD I had put on hold, so while Julie put Grace to bed I ran down there (unfortunately I had to drive or I wouldn't have made it before they closed) and picked it up. It's the music to Seussical the Musical. It's for Grace because she enjoyed the play when we saw it so much I thought she'd enjoy the music. I think she will.

Alright, I've got to clear an area in the basement so my Uncle and I can do electrical work tomorrow. Gotta go...

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