Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thirteen and a half inches

We got a wallop of a snowstorm yesterday that dumped 13 1/2 additional inches on us. Thank goodness we have a big snowblower because it's just a lot of snow! Julie didn't go to work yesterday and Grace didn't have dance class. We're not sure if she had gymnastics or not, but she didn't go; It wasn't worth the effort.


We had a fun day though since we all spent the day together. It felt like vacation almost, except we were just at home. And we didn't feel like leaving the house either. So it was mostly a family day and I again didn't get much done around the house, but I did a few things.

Today the girls from across the street spent the day with us as their babysitter was sick. So Grace stayed home from school and the four of us just hung out. Again I got a few things done, but not much. A couple of things here and there. We played out in the snow for quite a while and I finally started building an igloo. Wow is it a lot of work and I'm not done, but it's really cool. Hopefully I can finish it before anything happens to it like some kids coming and knocking it down or something.

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