Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snowy Day

It snowed for most of the day today - it's still snowing now actually and it's supposed to snow until tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately we didn't really have many plans for today, just preschool. Grace got to bring her friend Kenny home for a play-date today. They had a great time together. I think he was a little out of his element since he didn't have all of his "boy" toys to play with, but they found lots of things to play and had fun.

She actually had a play-date at his house last week and they had a great time then too. I guess they are also the talk of preschool - the teachers have mentioned that they're pretty funny together. It was kind of funny today because he was playing with things he's never played with before I'm guessing and he was interested in trying them out but Grace has had them for a while and wasn't really interested in playing with them. So I had to try and guide her into playing with the things he wanted to play with. I suppose as they play together more that kind of stuff won't happen.

My Uncle was supposed to come over today and help with wiring the new recessed lights we're putting in but he got stuck at a job downtown and wasn't able to make it. Not wanting to make the whole day a wash I worked on finishing something I started some time ago (I know - big surprise I started something a long time ago and didn't finish it.) I worked on pulling low-voltage wires up into the attic from the distribution box. I pulled wires from here through the office and into the family room in a channel I cut into the ledge in the office and family room just before I built the bookcases in the office. So those wires are embedded in the ledge forever.

Now those were only part of the wiring scheme I had thought up to get the house completely wired behind the walls. The satellite cables coming from the roof end up going everywhere to get to the TV's in the house. I pulled all of those cables from the distribution box to the TV in the family room originally before building the bookcases. Now today I pulled those cables from the distribution box up into the attic right by where they come in from the satellite dishes. So now I should just be able to connect them in both places and have everything work like I wanted--behind the walls instead of being wrapped around the house and/or wrapped around the room.

So I got those cables pulled and then pulled a couple of Cat 5 network cables out to the garage so I can have both internet and telephone out there. I'll pull a video cable out there too just to even everything out (so that all of my options are covered.)

Alright, I've got to get some sleep.

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