Thursday, November 15, 2007

Long Week

It's been a long week this week. I'll be glad when the weekend gets here. I'm looking forward to relaxing - well not too much I guess. I need to start removing that ceiling in the family room. My brother-in-law stopped by tonight to tell me how to remove the ceiling so that we could put it back up the easiest. So I've got a lot of work ahead of me.

I didn't hear from my uncle so I'm not sure if he picked up the lights today or not. They were supposed to be ready to be picked up today. In fact I haven't talked to him since ordering the lights. I'm not even sure when he's available to help me put them in; hopefully soon as our ceiling will be missing soon! We're looking forward to getting this done not just so that we can begin working on other parts of the room, but also so that we'll be able to see in the room. It's always been a dark room with not enough light to see what you're reading.

Grace didn't do as well today as yesterday. She was happy this morning but she's usually quite happy in the morning anyway. Julie was home for a while this morning because she had a dentist appointment to go to before work. I think Grace was really happy that her Mom was home for a while this morning. Then after she had preschool her and I went to the car wash to clean my filthy dirty car. It looks so much nicer; you can actually tell that it's blue again. When the car was done and it was time to leave she started to have a breakdown because she wanted a candy bar instead of waiting for lunch. We already had a cookie while we were waiting for the car to be cleaned and then she wanted the candy bar too. I knew if she ate it she wouldn't eat her lunch.

She ended up coming home and having some of her halloween candy and she didn't really eat her lunch or dinner after that anyway. So I guess overall it didn't really matter, but I wasn't giving in. I'm thinking she'll be hungry for breakfast in the morning tomorrow.

Did you see today that Barry Bonds was indicted for lying under oath about taking steroids. I guess someone is finally getting caught. I hope more players that have used steroids get caught and have to pay the price. I have no sympathy for them as not only is it against the rules, but it's just generally wrong and it just tears your body apart. It's never worth it in my opinion.

I'll have to keep this short tonight as it's late and I'm too tired to stay up.

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