Saturday, June 4, 2011


The day started out pretty normal. Trying to wake Grace up wasn't so easy. By the end of the week she's tired and usually can't get up on her own. Getting her on the bus is pretty easy though as she's becoming more and more self-sufficient. She was having hot lunch at school so she only needed a snack in her backpack and no homework to turn in so she was off to the bus stop in plenty of time.

The morning was warmer than the rest of the week had been. Preview of how warm it would be later? Yes. After Grace is on the bus and off to 2nd grade I usually check my email and twitter. Right after I was done with this Riley was waking up already. She isn't usually up that early, so I was hoping she'd go back to sleep, but she didn't. After she was up I made us some breakfast. Scrambled eggs for her which she proceeded to throw most of on the floor. And a 3-egg omelette for me. Adding bacon made all the difference in flavor. It was an excellent choice.

We're guessing that Riley hasn't been eating as well as normal lately because she just got a new tooth a few days ago. The interesting thing is that one day she'll eat pretty normal and the next she won't. I'm wondering if she isn't getting another one. I think we'll find out pretty soon.

After breakfast Riley and I set out on our errands. We headed to the shoe store and actually found some baseball cleats that fit me. And they were on sale. That was great. Riley was a little stir-crazy sitting in her stroller but she did pretty good. After this we headed to my favorite store, Lowe's. We planted a new Bradford Pear tree in the front yard last week and then right after I planted it we had a big storm so it hasn't been straight and it's also flopping around. So we stopped at Lowe's to get a tree support kit so it can grow straight.

After Lowe's we ran to get milk and rushed to beat Grace home. After she got home I actually got them both in the tub and cleaned up. Then Riley went down for a nap and Grace finished up shampooing her hair. After that I actually got to sit down for a few minutes before starting dinner. It was taco night. Put the meat on the fire and starting shredding lettuce and chopping tomatoes. Realized I forgot to buy avocados, so no guacamole for us. About the time dinner was ready Julie was home from work. We sat and talked for a few minutes and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a butterfly land on a bush in our front yard. Then it hovered and it's wings were moving really fast. I couldn't believe it. A hummingbird! In our yard! That's the first time since we've lived in this house that we've even seen one. We used to put hummingbird feeders out and they never came. But apparently they like our bushes out front.

After that excitement I got everything packed up to go and we headed to the in-laws for dinner. Dinner was good and Grandma even had dessert for us. So it was a good day. Now on to the weekend. Yay!

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