Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Today turned out to be a little more rain filled than the weather man would have had us believe last night during the news. But the amount of precipitation wasn't really all that substantial so I guess he wasn't all that far off. Unfortunately that means I didn't get the blueberry plants I need to get planted into the ground yet. They're leafing out in my kitchen. And I haven't even watered them since they are in plastic bags and not pots.

I suppose I'll get them planted one of these days. Right now I'm watching the Blackhawks game against the Canucks. I'm not impressed so far. The Canuck defense has been pretty strong so far. We'll see how it turns out. Only a few minutes left and they're down 1-0. They're certainly capable of winning this game but they haven't displayed that yet tonight.

Everything else today went a little more normal. Except Riley was awake for a lot of the morning while Grace was getting ready for school. Lucky for me she went back to sleep again. You know you're in trouble when she's asking for a book to "read" in her crib at 8 in the morning. Like I said yesterday, she's normally up between 9 and 10. This week has not been normal for her because she's been awake early but then sleeping late. I think she might be getting another tooth. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

She did do something really exciting today when she was eating lunch. She has this terrible habit of throwing the food she no longer wishes to eat. Leftover macaroni and cheese? Throw it on the floor. Little extra applesauce from Dad? That goes on the floor. So what did she do today? She actually said she didn't want any more and handed me her bowl. BTW "bowl" is one of her favorite words. She's been trying to say "more" the last couple of days too. It's really cute. She really emphasizes the "r."

She also did the same thing when she was eating her apple (app-al.) She would be chewing off the skin and putting it in her bowl instead of throwing it on the floor or across the room. This is a very welcome change. I'm really tired of cleaning the floor and the table and her and the tray on her booster seat and the booster seat every time she eats. One fewer thing to clean...very exciting!

Now the true question is whether it will continue. Obviously I don't know but I can hope right? Thank goodness we're officially past the whole undressing in her crib thing. OMG. This went on entirely too long. It's nice to not have to change her sheets every day. And I clearly don't miss cleaning up poop from all over her and the crib and the wall. That's not fun to wake up to.

She also said a semi-sentence today. She said "Ri-Ri app-al nummy." Or maybe she switched nummy and apple. Apple is one of the few words she uses for food besides nummy. Generally ALL food is a "nummy." She really likes apples! That's good considering we have an apple tree in the back yard.

Alright, the Blackhawks lost in overtime. That stinks. Guess I can concentrate on baseball now.

Julie is much better today. I hope it was just an anomaly yesterday where she ate too much of something she shouldn't have. I still haven't gone to the grocery store. I have to go tomorrow now. We have nothing to eat and Riley has no milk to drink. Guess I'll have to start working on that menu...

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