Sunday, June 20, 2010

Remember Me?

Alright, so it may have been nine months since I last blogged, but believe it or not, we're all still here. Things are going well. Grace is finished with first grade which actually makes her sad. She just loves school and is not so happy that she's not going now. Hopefully that won't change too much as she gets older.

Julie and I have decided to give her a little "summer-school" over the summer by having her do some work that we give her each week so that she has something to do and to keep her up on her school skills. We don't want to teach her everything that she'll learn in second grade before she starts, just keep her skills up and help her be more ready for school when it starts up again at the end of August.

Oh, speaking of school, why do we have to pay a "registration" fee for our child's "public" education that we pay a LOT of taxes for? And why does this fee go up so much each year? I find it ridiculous. It's hard to plan how much money to save up each year if it goes up so much.

We're trying to plan a vacation for later in the summer before school starts again. We don't want to spend a lot of money which probably will also translate to not travelling very far. Unfortunately we haven't decided what to do exactly yet. We have ideas, but nothing is written in stone yet.

Grace is playing softball this spring and I am her coach. We just had our third game yesterday. Since they're so young and most of them are playing for the first time we don't keep score. They really are just playing to learn and have fun. So far it's been a lot of fun. I pitch to the girls and I have to tell you...I need to improve. Grace had vacation bible school this last week and so we were super busy all week and I never had a chance to practice pitching and it really showed during the game yesterday. Obviously I will need to keep up my practicing so as to maintain some type of consistency for the girls.

We had some big storms here on Friday and my Aunt and Uncle still have no power at their house. Unfortunately they really need electricity as they both use c-pap machines to help them breath at night and my Grandfather uses oxygen at night and those machines don't work without electricity. My Grandfather stayed with us last night so he'd be cool and so he could breath. But he was ready to go home today even though they are saying the electricity won't be back on until sometime Monday.

While Grandpa was with us we took him and my Dad and step-Mom out for dinner last night for Father's Day. We went to Outback Steakhouse. We don't go there very often and they've really changed the menu. I have to say I wasn't so impressed. The bloomin' onion was good and the sample I had of the cheese fries was really good, but the food just wasn't the same. I'm not sure why that is, but I'd say we won't be going back anytime soon.

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